Quality Policy

The Senior Leadership Team and staff of Microlab are committed to market leadership in quality, engineering and service for measurement instrumentation and network solutions in the advance communication industry.

Using a structured, systematic framework as defined by ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) principles and requirements, Microlab shall:

  • Assess the Quality Policy and QMS regularly to ensure alignment with the business environment
  • Meet our customers’ expectation to deliver innovative, compliant, high quality, reliable products, on time.
  • Obtain customer views and opinions. Listen to customers’ needs, expectations and satisfaction.
  • Maintain business systems which monitor, control and improve our products, services and processes.
  • Develop staff with the knowledge, tools and skills necessary to achieve continued success.
  • Evaluate and analyze data to support business decisions and direct strategic initiatives.
  • Leverage supplier partnerships which extend and complement our own capabilities.
  • Comply with relevant laws and regulatory requirements wherever our products are deployed.

Satisfied customers are our main priority.  For that reason, establishing and satisfying our customer requirements is an important aspect of our quality management system.

Contact: customerservice@microlabtech.com