
How the Microlab SMART Coupler Works

Is your public safety, emergency responder radio communications system (ERRCS) DAS ready to serve first responders during in-building emergencies, which are fraught with unpredictability? Once commissioned through an initial proof-of-performance grid test, proper public safety DAS operation is typically validated on an annual basis, and the lengthy interval between tests heightens the risk of unnoticed faults in DAS cabling, RF components, and antennas. Authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), building owners, and system integrators can now monitor critical DAS infrastructure in real time by using the Microlab SMART Passives System, comprised of a SMART Gateway and network of SMART Couplers. This article will take a closer look at just one of the two components that enable the SMART Passives System to provide high-integrity, life-safety communications – the SMART Coupler.

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How the Microlab SMART Gateway Works

When faced with an emergency within a building, first responders depend upon a public safety, emergency responder radio communications system (ERRCS) DAS to provide high-quality radio coverage and network performance. Due to the urgency of emergency events, the Microlab
SMART Passives System provides real-time monitoring and alarming capabilities to continuously ensure the integrity of life-safety DAS communications networks. The SMART Passives System is comprised of two innovative components from Microlab – the SMART Gateway and a network of SMART Couplers. This article will take a closer look at the SMART Gateway’s important role in providing relied upon mission-critical radio coverage.

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How the Microlab SMART Passives System Works

A public safety, emergency responder radio communications system (ERRCS) DAS must consistently deliver reliable performance to provide high-quality communications and radio coverage to first responders amid an emergency. Due to their tactical nature, emergency communications systems must satisfy rigid RF signal coverage (RSSI) and delivered audio quality (DAQ) requirements, such as maintaining 99% radio coverage in mission-critical areas of a building and greater than 90% radio coverage across all floors in general areas. However, it can be a year or more between proof-of-performance, floor-by-floor, walk-through grid tests, which are used to validate the operation of these critical communications systems. The Microlab SMART Passives System eliminates the uncertainty surrounding the overall integrity of a public safety DAS and radio performance with real-time monitoring of DAS cabling, RF components, and antennas deep into a building (Figure 1). Comprised of a SMART Gateway at the head-end and a network of SMART Couplers, the SMART Passives System and its real-time diagnostics capabilities will ensure the integrity of critical DAS infrastructure by continuously monitoring for catastrophic failures (open or short circuits) or properly terminated antennas and cables.

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Microlab Passives: A SMART Approach to Public Safety – Inside Towers

Since 1949, Microlab has been designing and manufacturing RF and microwave distribution components and systems known worldwide for their superior performance. Microlab products, assembled in the USA, are considered the “gold standard” in the industry and, after 70 years plus, it is still innovating to influence the future of telecommunications. As a part of Wireless Telecom Group, Inc., Microlab is one of several business segments that support the wireless industry and specifically public safety initiatives.

One solution leading the way for the next generation of wireless implementation is Microlab’s SMART (System Monitor Alarm Report Technology) Passives System, comprised of a SMART Gateway and a network of SMART Couplers, which enables real-time performance monitoring of public safety distributed antenna system (DAS) structured cabling, RF components, and antennas deep into a building. With the SMART Passives System, Microlab customers can benefit from faster troubleshooting and reduced time to DAS restoration in the event of a DAS failure. Real-time monitoring with the SMART Passives System is your DAS watchdog.

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Achieve Deployment Efficiencies with Scalable Shared Infrastructure – Connected Real Estate Magazine

With increased network densification for capacity and coverage benefits driving convergence to neutral host shared infrastructure, network owners need to install networks with high bandwidth capacity as well as scalability for new bands or mobile network operators to be added to the site in future. The rising utilization and allocation of mid-band spectrum for capacity means the neutral host infrastructure should provide a viable route to leverage future band allocations for capacity improvement. The site not only needs to be upgradable, but, also should be able to achieve that in a feasible and cost effective manner while meeting performance metrics. The nice thing is that neutral host network designers and owners do not have to tackle these obstacles alone. This article will describe how to achieve efficient shared infrastructure deployments by taking advantage of modular point of interface solution.

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Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Solutions for Optimum Coverage and Capacity – Inside Towers

Microlab, a Wireless Te­­­­­­­­lecom Group Company founded in 1949, is a leading component and integrated solutions partner specializing in RF products that enable signal distribution and deployment of distributed antenna systems (DAS), wireless base stations and small cell networks. As 5G continues to drive infrastructure development and network densification, engineers are challenged to ensure better system performance but in a more c­­­­ost-effective manner than previous generations. Wideband solutions allow designers to maximize the utilization of available spectrum assets, which is pivotal in an ever-evolving wireless landscape.

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Real-time Monitoring for In-Building Public Safety Wireless Networks – Connected Real Estate Magazine

It is imperative for first responders to effectively maintain reliable, wide-area public safety radio communications during emergency situations. A distributed antenna system (DAS) for emergency communications enables first responders to have high-quality (90-99%) radio coverage between general and critical areas within a building. Public safety DAS is mandated by many municipalities for new buildings around the country, as defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Fire Code (IFC). Without real-time DAS monitoring and alarming, a public safety DAS may not be ready for life safety radio traffic. Microlab’s SMART (System Monitor Alarm Report Technology) Passives System enables real-time performance monitoring of cabling, RF components, and antennas deep into a building, alleviating the risk of poor network performance and radio coverage.

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Microlab Contributes to The Next Generation of Wireless Infrastructure – Inside Towers

Since 1949, Microlab has been designing and manufacturing RF and Microwave distribution components and systems known worldwide for their superior performance. Microlab products are considered the “gold standard” in the industry, and the company is already contributing to the next generation (5G) of wireless infrastructure, letting their past expertise influence the future of telecommunication. As part of Wireless Telecom Group Inc, Microlab is one of several business segments that support the wireless industry for 4G and 5G, as well as private LTE deployments.

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Address the Challenges of 5G Network Deployment – Connected Real Estate Magazine

5G is finally becoming a reality, and network designers are facing greater challenges than ever before as they consider how their networks will be deployed. The networks not only have to achieve higher system performance, but it must be accomplished in a more cost-effective manner. The race to reduce time-to-market means the network components must be available to support an aggressive deployment schedule. In addition, the required densification means solutions must be smaller and lower weight for greater concealment and subsequently quicker approval for the deployment. The good news is that network designers do not have to address these challenges alone. This article will describe how to overcome these challenges by partnering with the right network component provider.

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Preparing for 5G Deployment – Microwaves & RF

Manufacturing wireless infrastructure equipment has never been a game for the faint-hearted. But the so-called 5G revolution has made the game even tougher, riskier, and more confusing for the designers who must define and create products in a market where the technology—and their customers’ deployment plans— are still in a state of rapid evolution.

With so many factors in play, designing products that can satis­fy wireless operators’ requirements involves keeping a close eye on the state of the technology, the state of the market, and how those factors are shaping their ever-evolving deployment strate­gies. Hopefully, this snapshot of the industry, and the dominant issues we’ve extracted from it, will provide a little guidance on the features and capabilities your products must have in order to earn a place in carriers’ 5G deployment plans.

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