Application Notes

Same-Band Combining for Cell Size Optimization

The increase in demand for mobile capacity will continue into the foreseeable future driven by many use cases. This trend is requiring mobile network operators (MNOs), Neutral Hosts (NH), and 3rd Party Network Owners (3PO) to find novel ways to efficiently combine the 4G/5G NR technologies to overlay 3G systems currently in operation. There is an uptrend for RF components that allow these technologies to co-inhabit without costly upgrades of existing hardware and real-estate.

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MCC Series™ Application Note

The MCC Series is a Passive Modular Carrier Combiner that serves as a point-of-interface (POI) for neutral host Distributed – Radio Access Network (D-RAN) architectures and in-building or outdoor Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS). This solution helps service providers combine RAN remote heads or head-end services for RF distribution. Requirements commonly include the need to combine all commercial signals for all or some of the operators with cellular services extending from 4G/5G 617 MHz to LTE-LAA 6 GHz. Its modularity enables cost-effective scalability to only pay for what is needed, when its needed.

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Real Time Monitoring of Public Safety Passive DAS Infrastructure Through SMART Passives

What are you missing by not monitoring your passive distributed antenna system (DAS)? With Microlab’s patent-pending System Monitor Alarm Report Technology or SMART passives, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), building owners, and system integrators are now able to monitor the coaxial cabling and antennas within an Emergency Responder Radio Communications System’s passive DAS in real-time for catastrophic failures. Unlike cellular radiotelephone networks, ERRCS has rigid RF coverage and audio quality requirements to meet the needs of first responders. Critical areas of a building require 99% coverage with negligible noise and distortion. When the integrity of the DAS cabling and antennas is compromised, there will be a negative impact on radio coverage. SMART Gateway and SMART Coupler are innovative solutions combining an embedded Internet of Things (IoT) diagnostics circuit board with a specialized broadband tapper or coupler. With an Internet browser connected to the SMART Gateway, a GUI is used to observe the VSWR and DAS integrity deep into a building. Other applications include mines, rail, and vehicular tunnels. SMART passives will ensure the reliability of your public safety DAS.

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Torque Recommendations for Optimum PIM

One of the most critical parameters in today’s congested wireless networks is Passive InterModulation or as it is commonly known, PIM. Not only is it necessary to select properly designed and tested low PIM components, but they must also be connected to the interconnecting coaxial cable with the appropriate torque.

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Choosing the Best Power Divider

As systems become more and more complex, choosing how best to combine two or more RF signals has become a far more difficult question to answer, and this application article is intended to highlight the benefits of the many options available to today’s system engineer.

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Couplers & Samplers Explained

Couplers and samplers are similar to power dividers in that they each divide an RF signal into two or more signals. However, power divider outputs are of roughly equal amplitudes; couplers and samplers have a main line with one or more auxiliary lines.

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Designing an In-Building DAS

Passive distribution systems using coaxial cable are generally the first choice of engineers designing in building wireless coverage systems.

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Microlab Diplexer and Triplexer Filters for Wireless System Design

This application note discusses the details of the performance characteristics of the diplexer and triplexer filters and their applications.

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Directional Couplers As Signal Combiners

Combining different wireless carriers does not always mean using complex filters or acceptance of the 3 dB loss of hybrid combiners. The choice usually starts with considerations of the guard band between the signals and the acceptable limitations of passive intermodulation (PIM).

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Dividers & Combiners

A wide and often confusing assortment of power dividing and combining methods are available to the system designer, each of which has its own attributes and deficiencies. In addition, the same component can often be used to both divide and combine. This application note is intended to guide the system designer in the selection of the optimum component for any particular need.

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How to use Mechanical Tuners

Mechanical tuning devices continue to be a necessary part of all well-equipped microwave laboratories as well as microwave systems. Their convenience, power handling ability and linear properties cannot be duplicated in comparable solid state devices. This paper provides and overview of these tuners, discusses recent design advances and describes some new exciting system applications.

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Ingress Protection IP Ratings (IP Codes)

Electrical equipment can be damaged if unwanted objects or particles ingress into it; liquid ingress is as damaging.

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Microlab Signal Tappers – An Emerging Choice for In-Building DAS Design and Applications

Microlab Signal Tappers, also known as Signal Sampler, are very similar to directional couplers. The signal sampler extracts all signals regardless of the direction of flow. These include direct-coupled resistive samplers as well as electrostatic and electromagnetic probe samplers. Tappers are frequently used in Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) and are available with either N or 7-16 mm DIN connectors.

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Military and Defense Applications

Microlab has been focused on the Military and Defense markets since our inception in 1950. In spite of the emergence of wireless markets,a significant portion of our commitment and focus remain fixed on the high-reliability products and processes used in military and defense applications

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Passive Intermodulation, PIM

The advent of wireless with its tightly grouped, high power, high frequency signals and the associated high sensitivity receivers has created many unanticipated PIM (Passive Intermodulation) problems.

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Reactive vs Wilkinson Splitters

Splitters are used extensively in wireless signal distribution networks, to split the base station transmitted signal, Tx, into many different paths to reach multiple antennas, and at the same time to transmit the signals received by the antennas, Rx, back to the base station receiver.

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Selecting 3 dB Hybrid Couplers

Hybrid Couplers are used in wireless distribution systems to combine two carrier signals without mutual interference or to split a signal into an RF path and an RF + DC path.

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TETRA Passive Components

Defined as Terrestrial Trunked Radio the TETRA market place supports first responder and emergency radio requirements world wide. Microlab supports TETRA base station requirements with a full suite of passive RF components.

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What’s so Special About Microlab Legacy Products?

The Microlab standard product line results from over 50 years of our leadership in passive microwave components.

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What’s so special about Microlab Products?

Microlab has been making passive components for the sub-systems and laboratory markets for over 50 years. Such experience has contributed to the design of a range of dedicated products meeting the special demands of the commercial wireless market.

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WiMAX Passive Components

The next big step in the wireless industry will be the jump to WiMAX. Identified as wireless “metropolitan area networks”, WiMAX can provide broadband wireless access with a coverage radius of up to 30 miles. Microlab is supporting the roll-out of these WiMAX networks with broad band filter diplexers, splitters, combiners and directional couplers.

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