Public Safety

Public Safety communications worldwide are becoming increasingly important to ensure that first responders communicate reliably during emergencies for the protection and preservation of life and property. Public Safety agencies like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Fire Code (IFC) have created safety in-building communication requirements and best practices. Local municipalities and authorities at different government levels in the U.S. are now mandating these safety codes for new and existing buildings and facilities.

There are many challenges faced by Public Safety networks. Their coverage and capacity are limited by buildings’ physical characteristics, interoperability with other wireless networks, mobile radio technology used (e.g., FMN, OpenSky, TETRA and APCO P25), and overall Passive Intermodulation (PIM) performance. Microlab offers a wide variety of reliable RF passive components suited for DAS, Wi-Fi and Small Cell deployments. They are ideal for enterprise and public solutions supporting all major commercial wireless and public safety bands including UHF/VHF & 700/800 MHz. Our trusted products help provide full coverage and increase capacity across independent and/or coexistent mobile radio and cellular networks.

See the Public Safety Brochure here.

Microlab Public Safety portfolio of RF components share unique capabilities in the area of broadband frequency coverage from 80 to 2700 MHz, combined with minimal loss and very low PIM. These include:

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