Diplexer 80-2170/2400-2690MHz 200/60W -153dBc N-type IP64
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Microlab BK-68 series LTE-2600 Injector is a filter diplexer, to simplify the addition of LTE-2600 signals and/or WiFi-2400 to a common path with other wireless.
The inputs are well isolated and have minimal insertion loss over their respective frequency bands. The Diplexer has been designed using passive, proprietary pretuned techniques to ensure minimal loss and high reliability, with very low Passive Intermodulation (PIM).
Corner holes are provided for simple mounting to a surface or cable tray. Similar Injector units are available for other WiFi, WiMAX and LTE bands as well as other connectors as may be required.
For use in outdoor environments add the suffix ‘P’ to Model No. (e.g. BK-12NP).