DCC Series™ DAS Carrier Conditioners for In-Building DAS

Broadcasted on 10/20/2010

Rand Skopas

Rand Skopas
Dir. of Field Sales

This Webinar is designed for people who want to learn about the new approaches to In-Building Communications Systems. The primary focus will be on the carrier interface in the passive DAS.  We will discuss a variety of approaches from both the component and integrated standpoint with special attention to the impact of Passive Intermodulation (PIM) which results from additional frequency deployment within the DAS.  The main areas to be covered will include:

  • Passive DAS review 
  • Active DAS review 
  • Hybrid DAS systems 
  • Carrier Interface at the Head-End 
  • PIM: Impact on performance and how to control 
  •  Microlab’s Standard Solution

Webinar Q&A

Below are questions that were recieved during the webinar.

Can Microlab offer its DAS components for indoor and outdoor DAS deployments?

Can the multi-carrier Combiner Box solution be used in both Active and Passive DAS deployments?

If I don’t use Microlab’s Combiner Box for multi-carrier requirements, what are my best options?

What is the difference between Neutral-Host and Multi-Carrier?