DC Blocks

DC Blocks, Bias Tees, and Detector Mounts

Microlab DC Blocks are used to prevent the flow of direct current and low frequency current surges along the inner and/or the outer conductors of a transmission line, while permitting the unimpeded flow of RF signals. Applications include the blocking of current surges that can occur in subway tunnels and rail systems, at base-station/cell-sites during lightening storms, to route DC to tower mounted amplifiers (TMA’s) or whenever DC isolation is required. Units are available with a DC block on the inner and/or outer conductor, and all units are built with special attention to effects of PIM.

Products Available

Datasheet Description
HR-20D Inner, 250 – 2700 MHz, 7-16 (m-f)
HR-20N Inner, 380 – 2700 MHz, N-type (m-f)
HR-21D Outer, 380 – 2700 MHz, 7-16 (m-f)
HR-21N Outer, 380 – 2700 MHz, N-type (m-f)
HR-22D In/outer, 380 – 2500 MHz, 7-16 (m-f)
HR-22N In/outer, 380 – 2700 MHz, N-type (m-f)
HR-25D Inner, 380 – 2700 MHz, 7-16 (m-f)
HR-25N Inner, 380 – 2700 MHz, N-type (m-f)
HR-28D Inner/Outer, 380 – 2700 MHz, 7-16 (m-f)