Cut DAS Costs Without Compromising Quality

Broadcasted on 10/3/2024

Darioush Charepoo
Principal Solutions Architect

About the Webinar

Align Passive Component Choices with Application Needs and Budget

DAS designers, this webinar provides the insights you need to choose the most cost-effective passive components for each DAS application —whether you’re designing an enterprise, public safety or full-band commercial wireless network. You’ll learn:

  • How passive component characteristics influence DAS TCO
  • How to evaluate performance tradeoffs when choosing passive components
  • The component bandwidth and performance needed to meet enterprise, public safety and commercial network requirements
  • The different types of loss generated by directional couplers, splitters, and tappers
  • How component design, materials and construction affect loss and how to calculate total loss for each type

Webinar Q&A

Q.  Why do OEMS have varying dissipative losses in their components?
A.  It is a conscience choice made by the individual OEM. Watch the webinar to learn more…

Q.  Are there any fees for your expert services and design reviews?
A.  Microlab’s “Basic Design” audit is free of charge. It can uncover critical design issues and provide basic bill of materials (BOM) improvements that will help you reduce costs without impacting key performance indicators (KPIs) or propagation results.

Q.  Can you swap out passive components? They all look the same.
A.  This depends on the performance of each part and care must be taken, as shown by the analysis you cannot replace higher performance with lower performance as your link budget will take a hit. However, you can replace lower performance with higher performing parts as you will be certain your link budget will be intact.

Q.  Does this TCO analysis hold true for all Venue types, sizes, and shapes?
A.  Yes, in fact our TCO analysis was based on an “Open-Air” Design which is a very optimistic view of wireless coverage, just imagine a crowded shopping mall, an Airport, an office building with cubicles and conference rooms where an “Open-Air” Design will not work as these systems are more lossy, therefore the better performing products will lessen the TCO even more.